Congenital Anomaly Treatments
Op. Dr. Burak Sercan Erçin
Interventions needed by the baby born as a result of a formation process where everything is not going well usually encompasses a multifaceted and difficult process. This is a difficult time for both the baby and the family.
Congenital Anomalies and Their Treatments
Cleft Lip
Palate Treatment
It is defined as a cleft lip and palate deformity. It is defined as an anomaly that is seen at birth and caused by developmental disorders that can be seen in the 8th and 12th weeks of the baby’s development in the mother’s womb.
Head and Facial
Anomalies Treatment
They can be defined as congenital or acquired skull deformities, skull crookedness, infant skull deformity, anomalies that require serious and important operations.