What’s the Different Between a Face-lift and a Mini Face-lift?

Publication Date:August 19, 2022
Before and after a mini lift

Facial wrinkling and sagging remain the most annoying thing that comes to people with age, and science and progress in the field of dermatology and plastic surgery have successfully devised various techniques that help people appear more youthful and younger. Aging, gravity, sunrays and the appearance of wrinkles, changes in the face make a person look old, tired, and/or sad. In order to get rid of these problems, especially in patients who are of middle age and above, a face-lift can be performed for them. If you’ve noticed these age signs starting to affect your appearance, a cosmetic procedure known as a facelift can help reverse the visible signs of aging.  Since face-lift surgeries are performed at the ages of 40 and over, the absence of any major health problems is considered essential for this operation.

facelift is a general term used to describe any cosmetic procedure that corrects signs of aging by tightening the skin around the neck, cheeks, and jowl. In fact, a plastic surgeon can offer three different types of facelifts that you can choose from : a short scar facelift, a mini facelift and a full facelift.

Short Scar Facelift

The Short Scar Facelift is the least invasive cosmetic procedure of the three facelift procedures. This procedure is mostly designed for patients who are just beginning to notice visible signs of aging on their face, neck or cheeks. The facelift can correct very minor signs of aging like the formation of the fine facial lines, shallow wrinkles and diminishing jowls. These signs of aging are corrected by a cosmetic surgeon by cutting a very small incision in the front and back of the ears. After the incision is made, the skin is gently lifted and tightened to the prefere proportions..

Some of benefits of Short Scar Facelift are:

  • It is a preventive technique that is very effective in minimizing the visible signs of aging before they become too severe. 
  • Minimal scarring occurs as the incision is made along the natural creases near the ears. 
  • Short procedure time : the procedure only takes about two hours
  • Fast recovery time : takes about seven to ten days to heal.

Mini Facelift

The mini facelift is a slightly more complex cosmetic procedure than other facelifts. It however requires less intervention than full facelifts, but its more intricate design helps the specialist reduce deeper or more advanced signs of aging. Common signs of aging that a mini facelift can correct include prominent deep wrinkles,developed fat deposits near the chin, and enlarged jowls.

A mini facelift is performed exactly like a Short Scar facelift. The same technique is used and the incisions are the same. The only difference is the amount of skin tightened; a mini facelift results in more skin being lifted and tightened. 

The benefits of mini facelift are:

  • The ability to correct signs of advanced aging without the need for a complex and complicated full facelift.
  • Short operating time compared to a full facelift procedure.
  • Healing time of approximately nine to twelve days.
  • Incisions are made so that minimal scarring remains.

Full Facelift (Traditional Facelift)

Full facelift, which is also called a traditional facelift, is a comprehensive surgical procedure designed to dramatically change your appearance. Typically, if a patient is having a full facelift, other procedures such as neck lift will also be performed. Ultimately, this operation is designed to reverse any appearance of visible signs of aging.

The complex nature of full facelift allows you to correct signs of advanced aging that cannot be easily corrected with less intense or minimally invasive facelift procedures. Advanced signs of aging that can be corrected with full facelift include extremely deep wrinkles and accumulated fat deposits. It is an ideal procedure for people who have had sagging under their chin and neck for several years.

The benefits of full facelift are:

  • The results are stunningly impressive. Before and after pictures are a testimony to the life changing effects of the procedure. 
  • The operation’s changes and effects last longer than other procedures.
  • It encompassses more than one procedure, such as brow lift or neck lift, that can be performed at the same time.

“Well, That aged well ! ”

Our specialists in Turkey will be more than glad to discuss the best type of facelift suitable for your age, face, and medical conditions. The facilities and the standards set in our clinic in Turkey are nothing short of global and highly client-oriented. Contact us now to get a professional consultation for your next facelift procedure.  

Head surgeon Dr. Burak Sercan

Born in Izmir in 1986, Dr. Burak Sercan Erçin is a specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery. A graduate of Ege University, he has years of experience in the field.

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