Fast Recovery Liposuction: Dr. Burak’s Proven Tips To Recovery

Publication Date:November 16, 2023

Liposuction will help you achieve the form of your aspirations. But you may have some queries concerning the healing procedure of this application. Many factors can influence rapid liposuction recovery. When you analyze the prerequisites, you will find that the process is simple and straightforward. In this blog, Dr. Burak’s excellent remedies and ideas were compiled into a single essay. Continue reading!

Liposuctions vs Other Bariatric Surgeries

Liposuction is a cosmetic operation that removes localized fat deposits and improves body shape; nevertheless, it does not result in significant weight reduction or address obesity-related health concerns. Bariatric procedures, on the other hand, are medical interventions that are expressly designed to assist persons with obesity in achieving considerable and sustained weight reduction by reducing the size of the stomach or digestive processes.

These operations have the potential to improve or resolve obesity-related health issues. While liposuction is a cosmetic option for body sculpting, bariatric procedures are medical remedies for obesity management and its related health issues, their goal and effects are fundamentally different. 

How fast do you recover from liposuction?

The recovery duration following liposuction varies based on the amount of the treatment and individual characteristics. In general, the first recovery period might range from a few days to a week. Patients may feel swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated regions during this period, which can be controlled with pain medication and compression garments. Most people may resume modest activities after a few days, but it’s best to avoid intense activity and heavy lifting for a few weeks. As swelling reduces, the ultimate benefits of liposuction become more visible after several weeks to a few months.

Full healing might take many months to a year, with some residual edema lasting much longer. Following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions and attending follow-up appointments is critical for a safe and complete recovery.

How painful is liposuction recovery?

The amount of pain felt after liposuction recovery depends on the individual’s pain tolerance, the length of the treatment, and the specific locations treated. While pain is prevalent, many people view it as bearable rather than agonizing. Individuals may suffer discomfort, bruising, and swelling in the treated regions in the days following surgery. 

Pain medication recommended by the surgeon is usually given to ease any severe discomfort. Wearing compression clothing can also assist minimize swelling and give some support, making recuperation more pleasant.

The discomfort often reduces as the days and weeks pass, and patients may often resume mild activities rather quickly. It’s critical to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, which may include pain management measures and rehabilitation protocols.

What not to do after liposuction?

To ensure a safe and effective recovery after liposuction, it is critical to follow your surgeon’s post-operative recommendations. Following liposuction, some typical “do nots” include:

  • Alcohol and Smoking: Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol during the recovery time since they might impede healing and raise the risk of problems.
  • Exposure to the Sun: To avoid skin discoloration in the treated areas, avoid direct sunlight and tanning salons, and always apply sunscreen when necessary.
  • Strenuous Exercise: For several weeks, avoid intense exercise and heavy lifting to avoid excessive swelling, bruising, and other problems.

Can I speed up my liposuction recovery?

Yes, you may take action to hasten your recovery from liposuction. It’s critical to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully if you want to recuperate quickly. Maintain a balanced diet and remain hydrated to help your body’s healing mechanisms.

Light, frequent movement, and walking can also improve circulation and lower the risk of blood clots, but avoid intense activity during the early healing period. Consistently using recommended compression clothing will assist in minimizing edema and promote speedier recovery.

Finally, having enough rest and sleep is essential for your body to devote resources to the healing process. Always visit with your surgeon for specific guidance and to monitor your recovery progress.

How do I keep my stomach flat after liposuction recovery?

Maintaining a flat tummy after liposuction recovery requires committing to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Maintain a healthful diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains while avoiding high-calorie and processed items. In order to support general fitness and muscular tone, incorporate regular exercise into your program, including aerobic activities with strength training.

Portion control and mindful eating can help avoid overeating, and staying hydrated can help with digestion and appetite control. Maintaining your liposuction results is depends on keeping your weight under control. Smoking and excessive alcohol use can be harmful to your health and contribute to weight gain.

Does fat grow back after lipo recovery? Will my stomach sag?

Because the excised fat cells do not regrow after liposuction, the treated regions normally retain their decreased volume. However, fat can still be collected in untreated locations, and if you gain substantial weight following the treatment, the residual fat cells in the treated areas may increase.

Liposuction alone might occasionally result in loose skin if the skin lacks elasticity, however, this varies from person to person. Maintaining a steady weight, being hydrated, and living a healthy lifestyle will assist in sustaining skin elasticity and maintaining the optimal outcomes to avoid or treat possible drooping.


Dr. Burak Surgical Services in Turkey

When it comes to something as serious as surgical procedures, you want to put your faith in the hands of professionals. This is when Dr. Burak Sercan well-known services come in handy. 

Our surgical services assure your trip to stunning outcomes with a team of qualified specialists, cutting-edge treatments, and a devotion to your comfort. Surgical treatments in Turkey ensure your contentment by providing high-quality treatments at accessible pricing, as well as a fantastic holiday experience. For further information, please contact us right away!

Head surgeon Dr. Burak Sercan

Here we go! I was born in my lovely hometown of Izmir in 1986. I am married and have two wonderful children of my own. I completed my primary education at Ali Şir Nevai Primary School, and my secondary and high school education at İzmir Çiğli Milli Piyango Anatolian High School. I graduated from Ege University’s Faculty of Medicine in 2010. During my compulsory service in Van Erciş, I passed the specialization exam and started my specialization in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery at Ege University.

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