Jaws Makeover: Gummy Smile Surgery in Turkey

Publication Date:March 27, 2024

Lip repositioning surgery in Turkey can change your entire face and radically transform your appearance! 

A gummy smile is a condition in which a substantial amount of gum tissue is visible while speaking or laughing. This can be solved with a variety of treatments, which can include gummy smile surgery in iTurkey.

In this article, Dr. Burak provides details on transformation via science and wellness. He is a skilled surgeon specializing in this field, eager to share his knowledge with you. Read on to learn more! 

What is Lip Repositioning (Gummy Smile Surgery)?

Lip repositioning, a procedure also referred to as gummy smile surgery, is a cosmetic dental technique used to address an excessive amount of the gums that are visible when smiling. People with gummy smiles have the upper lip raised too high, which makes a lot of the gum tissue to be shown and the teeth to appear shorter than they really are.

This condition may also lead to low confidence and self-esteem, causing people to choose the gummy smile surgery in Turkey as a corrective measure.

Fixing Gummy Smiles with Dr. Burak

Gummy smile cases are one of the most common treatment areas by Dr. Burak. Taking into consideration the specific facial structure and dental anatomy of each patient, Dr. Burak customizes the treatment plan to obtain the best result. His approach may also be changing the smile to have the upper lip move over more of the top gums, thus, producing a more balanced and aesthetically attractive look.

Call us now to schedule an appointment with Dr. Burak!

What Causes Gummy Smiles?

There are a lot of factors that can lead to the formation of a gummy smile. These are the following: Hypertrophic growth of the gingiva, abnormal eruption of the teeth, hyperactive upper lip muscles, a short upper lip, and skeletal discrepancies of the jaws and facial bones. Each case is individual, and the reason for a gummy smile could be different for everyone.

What Treatment Options are Available for Gummy Smiles?

There are several treatment options available to correct gummy smiles, depending on the severity of the condition and its underlying causes: 

  • Laser gum treatment: This procedure is minimally invasive and consists of the gum line reshaping to decrease the gum exposure when smiling.
  • Maxillofacial surgery: In cases where skeletal discrepancies contribute to the gummy smile, maxillofacial surgery may be required to alter the position of the jaws and enhance facial harmony.
  • Orthodontic treatment: Sometimes, an orthodontic treatment like braces or transparent aligners is recommended to reposition the teeth and to improve gum-to-tooth proportions.

Benefits of a Gummy Smile Treatment

However, the gummy smile treatment is also associated with some other benefits. Upon addressing the root causes of too much gum showing, people will gain more confidence, high self-esteem, and more harmonious facial image. Gummy smile therapy also promotes oral health to reduce the probability of gum disease and especially to increase the life span of dental restorations.

Gummy Smile Surgery – Is It Worth It?

The choice to undergo gummy smile surgery is a rather personal one and it relies greatly on the personal factors. One of the most common reasons why people decide to undergo a surgical correction of gummy smile is aesthetics. Alternatively, one should seek the advice of a qualified dental specialist for the best treatment approach tailored to one’s specific needs and preferences. Need more information? You can contact us and our team will be happy to assist you!

Is Gummy Smile Treatment Painful?

Though an uncomfortable feeling during and after smile surgery in Turkey is possible, the advanced techniques and the sedation methods make the discomfort minimal and ensure the patient’s comfort. The patient may have some pain, slight swelling, and some bruising after the gummy smile surgery in Turkey or other invasive procedures, but most of these symptoms disappear within several days with the dentist or oral surgeon’s medication and instructions.

What are the Side Effects of Gummy Smile Surgery?

Just like any other operation, gummy smile surgery in Turkey has risks and side effects. These could be transient edema, hematoma, pain, and slight bleeding in the surgical field. Uncommonly, some adverse effects of infection, nerve damage, or anaphylaxis to anesthetics may develop. Nevertheless, by the means of thoughtful pre-operative planning, experienced surgical performance, and post-operative management the risk of adverse consequences can be reduced and, in the majority of cases, patients can achieve good results. 


How long does it take to recover from gummy smile surgery?

The recovery time is different depending on what type of procedure has been performed and how good the person’s healing capacity is. Most of the time, patients can return to normal activities within about a week or ten days after gummy smile surgery in Turkey. Complete dental recovery may last for several weeks when swelling and pain gradually disappear.

Will my insurance cover the cost of gummy smile surgery?

Most of the time, gummy smile surgery in Turkey is treated as a cosmetic surgery and may not be a part of insurance coverage. Nevertheless, gummy smiles may be a result of an underlying medical condition or pose oral health issues, hence insurance coverage may be included. It is recommended to consult with your insurance company in order to find out costs coverage and possible out-of-pocket payments.

Can gummy smile surgery be combined with other cosmetic dental procedures?

Indeed, gummy smile surgery in Turkey can be combined with other cosmetic dental procedures for the improvement of the general smile aesthetics. Typical complementary procedures involve teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and dental bonding to enhance tooth color, shape, and alignment. Composing several treatments delivers a complete smile makeover according to individual likes and needs.

Are the results of gummy smile surgery permanent?

The duration of gummy smile surgery results is of indefinite limits, that’s why it depends on the individual anatomy, age, and lifestyle habits, among other things. Whereas surgical corrections of the gum and lip tissues are intended for long-term improvement, natural aging, alterations in oral health, and facial dynamics over time can affect the appearance of the smile.

Proper oral hygiene practices and visiting dentist periodically will assist in maintaining the result of gummy smile surgery for many years. 

Head surgeon Dr. Burak Sercan

Here we go! I was born in my lovely hometown of Izmir in 1986. I am married and have two wonderful children of my own. I completed my primary education at Ali Şir Nevai Primary School, and my secondary and high school education at İzmir Çiğli Milli Piyango Anatolian High School. I graduated from Ege University’s Faculty of Medicine in 2010. During my compulsory service in Van Erciş, I passed the specialization exam and started my specialization in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery at Ege University.

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