Achieving Your Body Goals with Breast Enlargement Surgery

Publication Date:August 26, 2022

What is Breast Enlargement?

The chest is considered one of the most important elements of beauty and self-confidence in women. In light of the increase in plastic surgeries, breast augmentation (or a boob job) with silicone implants is one of the most cosmetic operations preferred by women.

Many opt for breast enlargements because breasts may become smaller for various reasons such as pregnancy, lactation, aging, and an increase and decrease in weight. In some other cases, the breast may not develop into the intended size, as a result of sagging or lack of proper body growth.

In such situations and with the operations that are performed for the purpose of enlarging and filling small breasts, it has become possible to have a breast that is beautifully contoured, firmer, larger, and fuller.

Types of Breast enlargement (Implant, fat injection)

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that aims to increase the size of the breast or return the breast to its normal size suitable for the body. Breast augmentation can be done in several ways, including:

The first method is the best and most popular method in the world because it feels silky and natural. It is done by placing soft silicon gel pads under the breast tissue. The incisions to insert the silicone pads are made through the breast, the armpits, or the areola.

The saline enlargement is made by pumping a saltwater solution instead of the gel pads, however, this procedure has the risk of leaking afterward.

The third option is a fat injection, through which fats from other parts of the body are purified and then transferred to the breast. The probability of permanence however ranges from 30 to 75 percent.   

How is Breast Augmentation performed?

Breast enlargement is performed as follows:

Clinical Consultation 

During the clinical consultation, the doctor checks the size of the breast with a screening instrument, which is a tool that measures the breast in millimeters, and the percentage of sagging in the breast is also determined, as well as the small millimetric nuances between the breasts.

Choosing the right silicone pad

In terms of shape, there are round silicone fillings and teardrop-shaped fillings, and in terms of texture, there are soft fillings and coarse fillings. Next, the size of the breast is taken into account in relation to the normal body size. When it comes to volume, breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters (CC), and there are different sizes of breast implants ranging from 100 to 700 cubic centimeters, but the most commonly used sizes range from 250 to 500 cubic centimeters. 

Ensuring the patient’s safety and setting the date for the operation 

There are many tests that the patient must undergo before any surgery to ensure the safety of the operation, and then the day of the operation is determined and planned.

Performing the surgery

After preparation and sterilization, the patient goes through the stage of anesthesia, and then a 3 – 5 cm incision is made under the breast folds, as it is the best place to insert silicone implants. It is worth noting that the incision often disappears or is almost completely hidden with the time passing after the operation. 

Then the silicone implants are inserted through a completely sterile funnel so that the implants do not touch anything, and this is with the intention of increasing sterilization, the place of the implant is between the breast muscles and the breast tissue so that it takes the advantages of being behind the muscle and does not move permanently.

Waking up and recovering.

A few hours after awakening from the procedure, the patient leaves the facility and is advised to follow the doctor’s recommendations & instructions.

Why Opt For Breast Enlargement? 

Breast enlargement can be a way to re-correct the asymmetry in the breast region for many women. Some also may find it unpleasant to have a breast that mismatches the body after pregnancy or after a significant loss of weight.

This breast enlargement procedure also helps with boosting femininity, as it increases sexual intimacy, self-confidence, and overall attractiveness. Moreover, when it comes to fashion enthusiasts, a wardrobe can be dramatically changed for the better after the enlargement happens. 

How Can I Choose The Right Size For Implants?

Many will look at celebrities who had recent boob jobs and point out that they need something similar done on them, however, breast implants are not chosen this way. The doctor will discuss the best option for your body based on your chest configuration, overall body shape, model projections, drug history, etc.

Dr. Burak Sercan professional cosmetic surgery services

Our specialists will make sure that the right implant size for your chest is determined after a series of tests and medical consultations. Dr. Burak Sercan clinic in Turkey is set up with the latest technologies and run by our expert staff who will accommodate your every need. Contact us now to get an idea about the best breast enlargement solutions.  

You can access our other articles on Breast enlargement from the links below:

Head surgeon Dr. Burak Sercan

Born in Izmir in 1986, Dr. Burak Sercan Erçin is a specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery. A graduate of Ege University, he has years of experience in the field.

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